Thursday, March 1, 2007



Chopping the beak off a chicken one at a time is terribly inefficient. This is done to prevent the chickens from injuring each other in most modern egg farms.

Chickens in close captivity are prevented from establishing a pecking order when enclosed in close quarters. The inability to establish a pecking order causes incesseant fighting and injury between the chickens caged in captivity.

De-Beaking removes the chickens beak so they cannot attack or injur eachother in the modern egg farm. This gives more fuel to the enemy liberals who are concerned about the feelings of the chicken.
According to the liberals "De-beaking damages the chickens facial nerves. The beak is removed with a hot knife, and the chicken is not given any pain killers." Please, this is utter nonsense. Not only is de-beaking inefficient its considered "cruel" by the liberals. For these reasons and more, pithing the chicken is a preferred method of control.

Not only is pithing cost effective, but once the chickens higher brain functions are removed, the chicken cannot feel any pain.


In many high school biology classes frogs are pithed to keep the respiratory and heart functions normal while they are dissected. Pithing involves destroying the higher brain functions of a frog by jamming a sharp instrument through the base of the frog's skull. The meatrix box is designed for a pithed chicken.

Pithing is much more efficient, and turns the chicken into nothing more than a biological profit unit. This should resolve the liberal argument of a painful or tortured existence. In addition, the chickens will no longer feel pain as the are plucked and have their heads ripped of by the highly efficient poultry machines.
The Poultry Meatrix. A cutting edge guide to high tech Poultry Production.

Linked at Right!

The Meatrix Cube

The meatrix boxes can be stacked vertically to optimize use of the feeding and ventilation tubes. The egg drop valves are used for horizontal integration. When an egg is produced it will fall through the valve, triggering an electronic counter and roll into the lower cage's egg drop tube. The egg drop tube then exits horizontally into the next box and then down into the poultry egg drop tube of that container. Then net effect is a stair step rolling of eggs to the final collection conveyor.

Cubes form the poultry matrix providing endless fields of egg laying profit. The egg drop counter valves provide real time feedback of productivity to the meatrix computer system. These numbers are used for profit reports, accountability,quality assurance and the new ever improving "meatrix chicken eugenics" program.

New Technology - Meatrix Box

There is more to poultry than butchery, think of the eggs. Lets take a look at the most efficient means to produce the largest quantity of eggs, and then end of life the greatest output of prime poultry.

The most efficient use of space, a pluggable re-usable architecture from start to finish can be achieved through the poultry meatrix box.

The box is air tight, removing the need for expensive antibiotics. The chicken is sealed in. No bacteria can penetrate the container. The benefit can be seen in both upfront antibiotic cost, but in long term human health. The cross species bird flu that originates in China will now be a thing of the past.

Not only is the poultry meatrix box a method of improving sanitation, it is expandable. The box units are built with egg drop input and output valves. Input feeding tubes and output excrement tubes provide the means of connecting one poultry meatrix box to another for vertical stacking.

Modern Machines - Meatrix

Here is an example of the modern poultry meatrix. It is already an efficient butchering operation.

But, there are ways of finding improvements.

Modern Machines - Frame Plucker

Here we have the basic frame plucker. Its purpose is to suck all the feathers off of the chickens.

It is quick and efficient.

Note: This also goes with the book section handling objections. The crazed liberals hate such efficient machines.

We must be able to handle objections to the pain and discomfort the chickens feel. Here is a list of possible counter's to the objection that this is torture.

1. Chickens are already dead. (Are they?) Must investigate.
2. Chickens are given heavy tranquilizers (Lie) Must investigate.
  • Need to determine likelihood it will be believed.
  • Need to gather percentage of liberals that will believe this with a survey.
3. It feels good to the chickens. (Lie) Must investigate.
  • Need to determine likelihood it will be believed.
  • Need to gather percentage of liberals that will believe this with a survey.

New Book

I've decided to publish a new book entitled "The Poultry Meatrix. A cutting edge guide to high tech Poultry Production."

I'll use the nom de plume "Louis Cipher" after a character in a not so good movie produced in the 90's.

The idea is to create an e-book, something I can publish online, and then take to publishers via the internet. So far I have come up with a basic outline:

I. Today’s Chicken Farm

A. Current Conditions
1. Mechanized Farming
2. Areas for Improvement
a. Equipment and Efficiency
b. Human Health
c. Eugenics
d. Profit and Production

II. Tomorrow’s Chicken Farm

A. Methods of Improvement
B. Equipment and Efficiency
C. Human Health
D. Eugenics
E. Profit and Production

III. Handling Objections
A. The Crazed Liberals
1. The Garden Variety Vegitarian
2. The Vegan nut job
B. Social Conscience

IV. Methods of Finance
A. Pay Later

I have not figured out how to publish the document here yet, but I'm writing the book with google documets... linked here