Thursday, March 1, 2007

New Book

I've decided to publish a new book entitled "The Poultry Meatrix. A cutting edge guide to high tech Poultry Production."

I'll use the nom de plume "Louis Cipher" after a character in a not so good movie produced in the 90's.

The idea is to create an e-book, something I can publish online, and then take to publishers via the internet. So far I have come up with a basic outline:

I. Today’s Chicken Farm

A. Current Conditions
1. Mechanized Farming
2. Areas for Improvement
a. Equipment and Efficiency
b. Human Health
c. Eugenics
d. Profit and Production

II. Tomorrow’s Chicken Farm

A. Methods of Improvement
B. Equipment and Efficiency
C. Human Health
D. Eugenics
E. Profit and Production

III. Handling Objections
A. The Crazed Liberals
1. The Garden Variety Vegitarian
2. The Vegan nut job
B. Social Conscience

IV. Methods of Finance
A. Pay Later

I have not figured out how to publish the document here yet, but I'm writing the book with google documets... linked here

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