Thursday, March 1, 2007

Modern Machines - Frame Plucker

Here we have the basic frame plucker. Its purpose is to suck all the feathers off of the chickens.

It is quick and efficient.

Note: This also goes with the book section handling objections. The crazed liberals hate such efficient machines.

We must be able to handle objections to the pain and discomfort the chickens feel. Here is a list of possible counter's to the objection that this is torture.

1. Chickens are already dead. (Are they?) Must investigate.
2. Chickens are given heavy tranquilizers (Lie) Must investigate.
  • Need to determine likelihood it will be believed.
  • Need to gather percentage of liberals that will believe this with a survey.
3. It feels good to the chickens. (Lie) Must investigate.
  • Need to determine likelihood it will be believed.
  • Need to gather percentage of liberals that will believe this with a survey.

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